Chaos Mage – Ranged DPS
Main Stats – Con, Dex, and Int
At level 50 player has 7424 points to spend
1. Chaos Offensive (Automatically have all spells) – Multiple Bolts, Fast cast w/recast timer DD, DD, AoE, Bolt Pbaoe, DD w/ resist decrease
2. Chaos Defensive (Automatically have all spells) – Self speed buff, Stun, Melee Hit Point Buffer, Melee Abs buff, self Bladeturn, High self AF buff, Defensive procs, High self-spell resist buff, enemy push back, Self-speed + hot, Immune to damage spell
3. Chaos Support (Automatically have all spells) – Allies damage add buff, allies constitution buff, allies armor factor buff, allies damage shield, Stat decrease, spell penetration increase, buff to keep groupmates minds from being enthralled
1. Sprint
2. Tireless
3. Cloth
4. Staves
5. Quickcast
Realm Abilities
1. Augmented Acuity
2. Augmented Dexterity
3. Augmented Constitution
4. Augmented Strength
5. LW (Long Wind)
6. MoF (Mastery of Focus)
7. MoM (Mastery of Magery)
8. PD (Physical Defense)
9. Toughness
10. Purge
Purifier – Melee Class
Main Stats – Str, Con, Dex
At level 50 player has 2223 points to spend
1. Chaotic Mastery – Self buffs. These buffs are all procs. So they only go off in combat. Heal proc, Haste proc, Fire proc, also have a pet, player speed boost, and a snare
2. Purification – AUTOMATICALLY LEVEL 50. Contains self-buffs like Armor Factor buff and Resistance buff.
3. Large Weapons – A lot of high damage output styles and some AoE styles as well
1. Sprint
2. Tireless
3. Cloth
4. Evade
5. Large Weapons
6. Two Hand Weapons
Realm Abilities
1. Augmented Strength
2. Augmented Dexterity
3. Augmented Quickness
4. Augmented Constitution
5. AoM (Avoidance of Magic)
6. Determination
7. LW (Long Wind)
8. MoM (Mastery of Magery)
9. MoP (Mastery of Parrying)
10. Toughness
11. Wild Power
12. Charge
13. First Aid
14. IP (Ignore Pain)
15. Purge
16. VP (Volcanic Pillar)
17. WoC (Wrath of Champions)
Reanimator – Ranged Pet Spammer
Main Stats – Str, Dex, and Int
At level 50 player has 7424 points to spend
1. Undead Ritual - Defensive procs, 4 different pet-summons (Zombie Lord, Rabanz, Lakoz, Twania) Self Melee Damage Absorb buff, Pbaoe pet summon
2. Reanimator Offensive – DD w/resist decrease, 7 different Theurgist pet-summons (Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Archer, Skeleton Mage, Ancient Mummy, Grave Crawler, Spectre, Wight) Recast timed AoE life tap
3. Reanimator Defensive – Self Melee Absorb buff, 2 pet-summons (Zombie Defender, Wraith Healer (yes it heals!)) Self High AF buff, Pbaoe Root, Pulsing Bladeturn for self, Self High Resist Buff
4. Reanimator Support – Melee Hit-point buffer, Nearsight, Group Endo Regen buff, Pulsing Pbaoe AF Debuff
1. Sprint
2. Tireless
3. Cloth
4. Staves
5. Quickcast
Realm Abilities
1. Augmented Acuity
2. Augmented Constitution
3. Augmented Dexterity
4. Augmented Strength
5. LW (Long Wind)
6. MoF (Mastery of Focus)
7. MoM (Mastery of Magery)
8. Toughness
9. WM (Wild Minion)
10. Purge
Vindicator – Caster
Main Stats – Con, Dex, and Int
At level 50 player has 2364 points to spend
1. Vindication – Power Tap, Endo Tap, Pet summon, AoE Debuffs, Abs debuff, Buff shear, Nuke
2. Void Inferno – AoE bolt, AoE DD, DD, Pbaoe that heals you, Health Regen, Stun DoT
3. Beyond the Void – AUTOMATICALLY LEVEL 50 (Self-buffs. Mainly resistance buffs, damage add, Armor Factor, Endurance buffs)
4. Stealth – Allows you to stealth
1. Sprint
2. Tireless
3. Leather
4. Evade
5. Staves
6. Quickcast
Realm Abilities
1. Augmented Acuity
2. Augmented Constitution
3. Augmented Dexterity
4. Augmented Quickness
5. Augmented Strength
6. MoM (Mastery of Magery)
7. Toughness
8. WP (Wild Power)
9. NM (Negative Maelstrom)
10. Purge
11. Vanish