same problem, i have already report it but fuuin mean he dont lost his skill. on all ld relogg i have all my spec points back and must ever reskill and that sucks realy it says ever my skillpoints are not correct and i need reskill. but i ever the same i can skill 50/42/25 normaly spec on a SS. the next problem is that what Sky say, sometimes works dd not from wolf forms, it say target not in view. style dd work perfekt. the next problem on SS that make him tooooooooo OP, i can chance form so that i have lifedrain and icedd on, so i hit aroung 400dmg life drain 400dmg ice dd 400-500dmg style dd 200dmg on style dmg and style bonus dmg, that is a realy big and make the most player 2shoot. it need a chance that you can only 1 form at time. the best is make is to a 10min buff and not stacked, if you buff the other one, it overwritten the other and make it buff able in combat. that is the best for it.