- Buffed Dragon Slayer spells/styles. (Might need more adjustment)
- Added a champion skill npc in Main Camp. The last skill in each row is custom.
- Added some different ways to gain RP besides killing players.
- Crystal Nodes around Camelot Hills will give RP to nearby players depending on level. (Crystals might sometimes bug and give nothing. And crystal rp exploison range is abit high and will be lowered)
- A Gambler in Cotswold will let you gamble your bp to win rp.
!!Disabled!! - Added 3 Rare mobs in Camelot Hills that give a nice chunk of RP when killed to every player in the nearby area. So bring friends (Might be to easy or might be to hard. Let me know. ) They also drop a pulsing blood stone and have a 5% chance to drop the Legendary Orb used to buy Legendary Weapons. Be carefull they will overrun the area if you are to weak to finish them off.