- Seems to be a RP bug reseting realm abilities without refunding skill points.
A possible solution for now is to not use any Realm skill points untill you are level 50 with CL 10. After that you need to relog and then you can spend the points.
- Tricksters seem to have way to low ws
- Dot Spells on new classes does not show how much damage they do. They do damage though.
- Seems to be a RP bug reseting realm abilities without refunding skill points.
- If a class does not have any skills. Try leveling to level 7 and they should reappear.
- Reanimator mage Pet do not do the damage they should.
- Witch Doctor heal not healing alot.
- Witch Doctor damage totem not doing the correct damage.
- Spell lines wich are not ment for the class might show up. Best to just ignore them since they might not have working spells.