I seem to be encountering this with the custom classes; The level 50 style is three deep in the style chain, This should be @ max two styles deep or run off a conditional (Block, Parry, Dodge). Unless PvE'ing it is almost a guarantee someone is going to D/B/P or you will just miss by the time you get to the third style in the chain, making these styles and the spec of such useless for RvR play. We have eight players that play here, so we are constantly dueling and testing templates/specs and I am yet to get a third style chain off in a duel, minus that of attacking a caster class.
Still yet to make all of the customs but before the changes to Juggernaut, and also the Purifier have this as an issue. I will be checking the rest asap and will report back, unless someone else can confirm the 50 style being three deep in the chain for the other classes.